My Poetry
Words of wisdom heard as a little child which calmed my little mind and made me happy. They still do through inspirational poetry. Few choice words expressed so succinctly a path out of a difficult situation was a magical potion. I bow at your feet, oh wise man on thou pedestal. You enlightened and calmed my mind with peaceful thoughts. So, I held poetry with high regard for encapsulating thoughts beautifully in words; be it in free worse, rhyming words or within strict poetic formulas. What an amazing thing our human mind is which allows a poet to embed a powerful image in words on a page for readers to reveal the image back to life delighting their mind. “If a picture is worth a thousand words, a poem is worth a thousand thoughts!”

Live life, for life is to love
Every morning I wake up
To find a new world.
I believe, tomorrow, too,
Even more exciting
For the soul of a Curious One!
Live life, for life is to love
Fly like a bird,
With a gift of wings.
So, I fly
Like a bird
All over the world,
Gather a world of knowledge.
Let wisdom be your lesson!
Curious One Days
Walking Away
From whom I love
Is it right,
Simply to walk away?
For strength I seek
One hard decision
Easy it’s not,
To simply walk away
Those who leave,
Leave memories,
May get faded,
Since they walked away
Trust your opinion,
Change later if you must,
It’s a “Circle of Life”
Just walk away
Fully laden cart
Rolled down dirt road,
Dust-cloud remains!
For it ran away
Though it might,
Time may heal,
I become what I may,
For walking away
Love to keep you,
In my memory bank
Nestled in my heart,
Because I walked away
Be happy,
Just forgive me,
As I walk away!

Mid-evening Thoughts
No gate
Enter at anytime
No apples to share
Orchard bathing
Sooth soul of mine
No Sun rays dare
Loved one in bed
Poking no hope on wine
Your eyes bare
Foggy calm
Wet Blossoms in springtime
Hope rise, I swear
Lost in Thought
Only if I have
Lots of money
Lots of friends
Lots of time
I’ll be happy,
What more do I need?
What if …
No health
No brain
No help
No love
What would I do?
What if …
I’m blessed with …
Peaceful soul
Calm mind
Loving heart
Strength to help
Childish curiosity
What would my world be?